The Cooper School Daily

Biomes, Measurement, How-To, Oh My!!


Kindergarteners returned to school eager to make discoveries and share information about a variety of biomes. These curious minds have been engaged in learning about the climate, soil, plants, animals and people of the Polar, Desert, Tropical Rainforest and Wetland biomes this week. Kindergarteners have been enjoying sorting, trying on, and playing with the various clothing that is worn in each biome at the Imagination Station learning center. Be strongly recommend to follow here. Ask your young scholar what they have learned about biomes this week!

Kindergarten Writers Explain “How-To” in Their Writing

Kindergarteners eagerly embarked upon an exciting new kind of writing during Writing Workshop this week. Students examined mentor texts to explore how authors write to teach. Students thought about topics they knew well, and things they could teach others how to do. Kindergarten writers were quite busy sharing their knowledge on a variety of topics in which they are “experts”.

Measurement Mania

Kindergarten mathematicians have been learning all about measurement this week. Kindergarteners developed their knowledge of measurement by using their feet to measure objects. Mathematicians recognized the need for standard measurement units by discussing “How Big Is A Foot?” Kindergarteners worked with a math partner to measure various objects and to compare those   measurements. Lastly, measurement enthusiasts were provided experience with a variety of measurement tools. Ask your Kindergartener what they learned in measurement this week!   

Important Dates:

  • Monday and Tuesday March 5th and 6th Student-Led Conferences 11:30 Dismissal
  • Tuesday, March 7th Study Trip to Magnolia Plantation and Gardens
  • Thursday, March 8th Silent Auction 6pm-9pm