The Cooper School Daily

Building Museum

Buildings Museum

During our study of buildings, we explored many books about different kinds of buildings and occupations involved with buildings through class read alouds. Students enjoyed hands-on experiences with tools that builders use and examined tools architects use when designing buildings. On Tuesday, our Kindergarten building enthusiasts celebrated the end of their buildings unit by having a Buildings Museum. Kindergarteners got to share their blueprint designs, models, artwork, and all the wonderful things they created and explored during this unit. It was a great event! 


Kindergarteners Self-Assessments

Kindergarteners have been learning the art of evaluating their own learning in each subject area. They have worked hard to take an honest look at how they feel about their learning and rating their feelings in each area. These brave and proud scholars are ready to share all of their hard work with you. Ask your Kindergartener what they have enjoyed the most about self-assessments so far!

Compliment Books

This week, kind Kindergarteners were introduced to a TCS tradition. Every year for Valentine’s Day, TCS students write compliments to each friend in their class and then they are put together to create a beautiful loving book for them to keep forever. Kindergarteners learned what a compliment is and the difference between an okay compliment and a great compliment. This activity included a lot of hugs and filled buckets!


Important Dates

  • Friday, January 25th- Kindergarten Playdate @ Brittlebank Park
  • Thursday, January 31- Art Walk
  • Friday, February 1st -100th Day Projects are due
  • Monday, February 4th-100th Day of School