The Cooper School Daily

Discovery is Alive in 1st Grade!

Delving Deeper into Entomology

Centers this week have been focused on Science and our ongoing insect study. Students have rotated through visiting the following centers: insect research, an insect art center using natural materials such as leaves and sticks, insect small moment stories, and insect number stories. They have also been creating insect self-portraits in Art in the style of famous artists.

In their research center, under the supervision of a teacher, they are practicing using nonfiction books and educational websites for research. They have been using the index pages of books to locate information and think critically about what to type into the search engine on the Insect Identifier website. While researching, they are looking for insect information that they will then process, synthesize, and evaluate in order to answer the questions; What does my insect eat? Where does my insect live? and What are some interesting facts about my insect?  


Hula Hoopin’ Kiddos

In Monday’s Whole School Morning Meeting, we introduced a new toy that will be available to students on our playground- hula hoops! We discussed different ways we like to play with hula hoops- from traditional hula hooping with the hoop around our waist, twirling the hula hoop around our arm or neck, 4 corners tag, horsey, and lots more. Ask your child about their favorite hula hoop games and activities. Students are definitely enjoying this new addition to our recess time!

Proud Authors and Illustrators

On Wednesday, we took our edited and bound small moment stories through the final writing phase—publishing and sharing! Proud authors and illustrators had the opportunity to own the spotlight and share their story with the class. They have been working so hard on these stories and we were delighted to celebrate them and their wonderful achievements! On Thursday, we began brainstorming ideas for our five page “how-to” pieces! This will be an opportunity for our experts to teach others something they are passionate about and know a lot about.


Important Dates:

Tuesday, October 23rd        1st Grade Parent Morning Meeting, 8:00am

Wednesday, October 31st   Halloween Carnival (early release at 11:30am)

Tuesday, November 6         Insect Museum, 8:15-9:15am in the Library