The Cooper School Daily

February 22nd, 2019

Social Studies

Third Graders spent the week writing and revising their speeches for their Asia presentations. Students have been researching topics for about two weeks and have been excited to put all of their knowledge into action. Third Graders created timeline cards for each of their topics, to place on our class timeline. This timeline will show each of their topics and when they were introduced and began to shape Chinese culture. Third Graders were very excited to begin crafting artifacts for their presentations!



Third Graders have officially finished learning all of their cursive letters! Students have applied their cursive knowledge by working on reading more cursive and beginning to write their own work in cursive. Third Graders have been so excited to show us the challenging letters they’ve mastered and to show off their signatures! We love seeing students so proud of what they can accomplish.


Buddy Activities

Third Graders have spent the month of February focused on friendship! Each day, students have been assigned a buddy. Students eat lunch every day with their buddy and have had a blast choosing conversation starters. Conversation starters have led students to some hilarious dialogue, including choosing the superpower they’d most like to have and the meal of their choosing if they could only eat one thing for the rest of their life! Students have participated in a “buddy activity” each day, working on their ability to work together and problem-solve. Following their activity, students have had the opportunity to create a link to their chain, where they write one thing they’ve found that they have in common with their buddy.


Important Dates:

  • February 22nd – Grade 3 Playdate (3:15-4:30 Gadsdenboro Park)
  • March 1st – Asia Study Presentation (1:45pm)
  • March 4th- Student Led Conferences (11:30 Dismissal)
  • March 5th- Student Led Conferences (11:30 Dismissal)