The Cooper School Daily


Double Facts

Second Graders utilized double facts this week. Double facts are addition facts in which a number is added to itself. Our class learned that the sum of double facts must always be even numbers. They learned that they come in as handy tools to utilize when trying to find the answer to tricky subtraction problems, especially those with odd numbers!

Action and Linking Verbs
Grammar has taken off with our exploration of action verbs and linking verbs! Second Graders learned that linking verbs link information to help the reader understand and action verbs tell what action someone or something is doing. Scholars looked through class texts and found examples of both types of verbs and shared their findings during our Morning Meeting.


This week readers challenged themselves to find passages within their fiction reading and then read examples with fluency. They partnered together to see if they could visualize a movie in their minds as their partner read the passage from the story aloud.

Important Dates:

December 7th K-2 Movie Night – Polar Express @ The Cooper School 5-8 pm

December 11th Winter Choir Performance @ Circular Church 1:30 pm

December 21st Pajama Day- 11:30 Dismissal

Pictured Below: Charleston Symphony Orchestral String Quintet Performance