The Cooper School Daily

Gratitude Abounds!

Learning from Peers  

1st Graders had a very special visit from 5th Grade researchers who shared their findings and taught us all about various topics from pandas, to the history of Nintendo, to the rock band Queen. We loved learning from our older buddies and especially enjoyed filling their buckets with kind words and compliments!

Gratitude Books & Veterans Day Cards

Students explored the theme of gratitude this week in honor of Thanksgiving. Each scholar at The Cooper School created a gratitude book of things they are thankful for. The front and back covers were cut from special paper the Kindergarteners painted with natural dyes. 1st Graders also wrote thank you cards to veterans in their lives and cards that will be delivered to veterans at the VA Hospital to brighten their days!

Bread, Bread, A Tasty Treat!

As one of our Centers this week, 1st Graders sampled breads from around the world: baguette, naan, pita, challah, and tortilla. Prior to tasting, we read two books about bread: Bread Around the World by Cynthia Rothman and Tony’s Bread by Tomie dePaola and learned that bread is one of the most popular foods in the world. We talked about how the Pilgrims brought with them things that reminded them of home when they came to America, and that food is often something that connects us to our culture. Students looked at the world map to identify the countries each type of bread they tasted comes from and wrote short reviews with their comments. Finally, they each selected their favorite and we graphed the data as a class.

Important Dates:

Tuesday, November 20th   Harvest Feast (11:30 dismissal)

November 21st-25th            Thanksgiving Break