The Cooper School Daily

Happy New Year!

One Word
We were very excited to introduce Kindergarteners to an old Cooper School tradition, One Word for the New Year! In a class discussion, students considered the aspects of their life they’d like to improve this year. After careful consideration, students chose one word they really wanted to focus on this year. We have so many new goals set in our classroom this year, including ‘listen’, ‘mindful’, ‘brave’, and ‘inventive’! It’s so exciting to see young minds building on their vocabulary and applying it to their own lives! 

How-To Writing
This week, Kindergarteners took their How-To writing to a new level by studying a mentor text! Students read through and observed several aspects of finished texts, such as titles that tell us what the book is about, pictures that teach, lists of things you need, and how authors print important parts in bold. Students hopped right to work to add all of these new tactics to their own books, and then continued on to apply these helpful tools to new How-To books. We’ve loved learning from our Kindergarteners all about how to take care of pets, how to cut a snowflake, and even how to ride a camel!

Preparing to Investigate Buildings In Our Community
This week, students continued their study of buildings by getting their hands on and discussing different types of materials. Students investigated flimsy and sturdy materials, and compared them to those used in houses they are familiar with. Students are getting very excited for our neighborhood walk and building exploration next week. So excited, in fact, that they have begun sneaking peeks over the fence in our backyard to see what houses we might pass by!

Important Dates:
January 17th – MLK Day (No School)
February 21st & 22nd – February Break (No School)