The Cooper School Daily

Once Upon a Time


Students were excited to launch into our Fairy Tale Unit! This week, students have been reading and enjoying a wide variety of classic fairy tales. They have been studying the elements of fairy tales, including the characters, setting, magical elements, and the presence of things that come in threes. Students have learned about the oral tradition of fairy tales and the famous authors who wrote them down, including the Brothers Grimm. Students have especially enjoyed reading the many variations of fairy tales, and analyzing the changes that authors make. Fairy Tales are best enjoyed as a shared experience, so we have brought in some other teachers to share tales they enjoy. Share your beloved fairy tale with your student!


Using their knowledge of classic fairy tales, and their investigations into variations that authors have written, Third Graders have begun to write their own fairy tale adaptations! For the first part of this unit, students have been closely analyzing the many ways that fairy tales can be changed while keeping the base story intact. Through changing the character, setting, details, event, or motivation of the story, they can create a domino effect that changes the story in unexpected ways. To start with, students have chosen to write a variation of Little Red Riding Hood or The Three Billy Goats Gruff.



We began a new unit in math this week, all about fractions! Students have been working to understand basic fractions as they apply to breaking one whole object into pieces or one whole group into smaller groups. They have begun to understand the importance of knowing what the whole is before being able to find the fractions. Through activities, games, and hands-on manipulation, Third Graders have continued to increase their understanding of fractions.


Important Dates:

  • Tuesday, April 24                  Climbing, 8:30 – 11:30
  • Thursday, April 26                Three Billy Goats Gruff, 9 – 11
  • Tuesday, May 1                     Climbing, 8:30 – 11:30
  • Friday, May 4                         Grandparents Day, 11:30 Dismissal
  • Friday, May 4                         Pass It On, 5:00 pm
  • Tuesday, May 8                     Climbing, 8:30 – 11:30        
  • Tuesday, May 15                   Climbing, 11:30 – 2:30
