The Cooper School Daily

“We Get Along Like Peas and Carrots”

Reading Buddies

This week, First Grade non-fiction readers learned new ways to share what they are learning in their books, with their “Peas and Carrots” reading partners. These scholars know to show their partner several pages and explain what the author taught on each page. First Graders practiced asking their reading partners questions to learn even more about their topics. They know to use the text and non-fiction text features when sharing. First Grade friends are truly becoming non-fiction reading experts!

Molting Mealworms

 Our insect study is chugging along in First Grade! This week we checked on our mealworm colony and made an exciting discovery! Our mealworm friends have been so busy growing that they have shed their hard exoskeletons. When these creatures grow, they get too big for their exoskeletons, shed, and leave them behind. First Grade scientist used hand lenses to closely observe and draw their mealworms in this stage of their lifecycles! Ask your First Grade scientist to tell you all about their molting mealworm!

Magic C

 In Handwriting this week, First Grade writers learned all about “magic c”! This lowercase letter starts at the top and takes a little curve down to the bottom line. Magic c is a special letter because it helps form many other lowercase letters like a, o, d, g, and even q. Reviewing proper ways to form lowercase letters is necessary to building good writing habits for our growing writers.

Important Dates:

  • Wednesday, October 18th First Grade Parent Lunch, 11:00-11:30
  • Tuesday, October 24th First Grade Parent Morning Meeting,                                         8:00 – 8:30
  • Tuesday, October 31st Halloween Carnival