The Cooper School Daily

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Eric Carle Books are Alive in Kindergarten

This week, Kindergarten launched an exciting new author study on Eric Carle. Young readers are discovering the many duties of an author and illustrator and the great details that Eric Carle puts into his special books. This week readers focused on book structure and learning from picture clues. Eric Carle writes many books and Kindergarten readers are having so much fun delighting in the unique and beautiful books created by this amazing author/illustrator! Ask your child what they have learned about Eric Carle this week!

Kindergarten Writers Explain “How-To” and Speak to Their Readers

Kindergarten writers have been busy sharing their knowledge on a variety of topics as they compose “How To” books during Writer’s Workshop.  This week they extended their knowledge of writing “How To” books by finding ways to elaborate in their writing. Writers learned that they can give the reader of their book tips, warnings, and suggestions as they teach how to do something. Students also found ways to use comparisons in their writing to help the reader better understand how to follow steps. Ask your brave writer what they did this week to make their “How To” books even stronger!

Angel Oak

Kindergarten tree enthusiasts were delighted to visit the Angel Oak Tree on Wednesday. Kindergarteners were put into small groups to investigate and explore this magnificent tree.  They marveled at the octopus-like branches, learned what lichen is, saw knotholes and tree bunions, and really enjoyed seeing where all the animals live. Kindergarteners then used their artistic abilities to draw a sketch of the angel oak and labeled things they saw. It was a wonderful study trip!

Important Dates:

  • Friday, April 20th First Swim
  • Thursday, April 26th Three Billy Goats Gruff @ Dock Street Theatre
  • Friday, April 27th Second Swim
  • Friday, May 4th Grandparents Day/Pass It On