The Cooper School Daily

Cool As A Kindergartener

Addition & Subtraction
Kindergarteners were so excited to start our newest module in math this week, all about addition and subtraction. Students have been eager to show off all that they know about combining numbers and revisiting number bonds. Students have been  intrigued that they have started using hula hoops to create number bonds on the playground! We can’t believe how far these mathematicians have come this year!

Biome Buildings
This week, students dove head first into piecing together their biome homes. After being assigned to a biome (wetlands, polar, desert or rainforest), students began to research and design their own home with group members. After deciding and collecting the materials needed, this week students began to piece their biome homes together. It has felt like a trip around the world in our classroom as students created the structures of a rainforest treehouse, a desert caravan, a wetlands home on stilts, as well as an igloo!

Figurative Language
Kinder-poets found ways to lift the level of their writing as we explored figurative language devices in Reading and Writing Workshops this week. These scholars spent the week examining poems with examples of alliteration, onomatopoeia, and simile. Students then worked together to identify examples of these figurative language devices in poems as they read. Brave Kindergarten poets even added figurative language to the poems that they wrote this week!

Important Dates:
March 29th – April 5th – Spring Break (No School)