The Cooper School Daily

A Fun Filled Week!

We wanted to thank everyone who came out to watch our first grade singers shine! We are so proud of them for being independent and brave singing in front of such a large audience! This week was so much fun as we continued growing our brains learning about units of measurement, playing with shadows, and writing realistic fiction stories.

Units of Measure

First grade has enjoyed learning the importance of measurement. As we measured objects around the classroom we learned how to measure. When we measure it is important to measure each object end to end. It is also important to measure each object with no space in between our units of measure. Our favorite object we measured this week was our feet! After we measured our feet we compared with friends and shared how many cubes longer or shorter our foot was compared to our partner’s foot.

Playing With Our Shadow

This week we challenged first graders to a shadow challenge. A shadow challenge is when we ask friends to make a specific shadow and friends have to work together to create that shadow. For example, first graders were challenged to create a shadow with five arms and one leg, or create a shadow that is shaking hands without actually shaking hands. First graders wowed us with their brilliant minds and we really enjoyed watching them work through each shadow challenge with confidence and great communication with their peers!

Realistic Fiction

This week our First Grade authors kicked off their realistic fiction unit!  Writers learned that realistic fiction stories are fictional stories about real-life (stories that didn’t happen, but could!).  Writers began the unit by brainstorming characters, settings, problems and solutions.  After planning their stories out, they worked hard to stretch their stories with lots of descriptive details and dialogue.  

Important Dates:

April 27th- Sparkle- Spring Auction & Gala

May 9th – Pass It On (Elementary School Writing Event) (11:30 Dismissal)

May 24th – Teacher Work Day (No School)

May 27th – Memorial Day (No School)

May 30th – Half Day (11:30 Dismissal)

May 31st – Last Day of School (11:30 Dismissal)