The Cooper School Daily

All About First Grade

First Grade Researchers

Our First Grade scientists are gearing up for their first project presentation of the year. Our scholars have decided on which insect they are going to research. Our scientists will be using their iPads to access our class website that has information about each of their insects and will continue to read non-fiction insect books to collect information for their research paper.

Mealworm Life Cycle

Our class mealworms have become adult Darkling Beetles! We had a class discussion on what to do with our beetles and voted on releasing them as the best option. We celebrated our decision by releasing the beetles in the backyard. Then, our First Graders rounded out the mealworm unit by drawing the life cycle of our mealworms complete with labels for each stage.


Our First Graders absolutely love Art with Miss Henslee! Art is set-up like a studio this year where students have the opportunity to experiment with different mediums. Our first grade artists were especially excited for this week because it is their first week of independent art time where they have the choice of what medium to use to create their artwork.

Important Dates

October 29: Halloween Carnival (11:30 Dismissal)

November 3: Picture Day

November 9: Project Presentation