The Cooper School Daily

All About Me

All About Me

Our young Kindergarteners have been sharing all about themselves during our first Social Studies unit, All About Me. The Kindergarteners have shared many of their favorite things through drawing pictures, sharing with their pinch partners, and through objects they have brought from home when we did our “All About Me” bags. Now Kindergarteners are thrilled to the gills to be sharing information about their families. They can’t wait to show off their creativity when they get to construct their family out of recycled materials. I am so looking forward to seeing what they create!     IMG_1563

Zoo Phonics

Kindergarten is full of eager readers! We are busy learning about what good readers do; search the cover for information including the author’s name, picture walk to help us understand the story, and track each word on the page with our reader finger. At the beginning of each reader’s workshop, we begin by naming our zoo phonics’ animal letter names and sounds. Can your child name all 26?

Learning Centers

At the end of each day, we engage in various studies and activities during learning centers. Students start each day in a “have to” center (i.e.: math, science, writing, reading). When they finish the activity they rotate around the room to various free choice centers. Centers are an important way we individualize instruction, and allow for student inquiry. For example, in the art center this week, each child was able to create their own skin color by mixing white, brown, red and yellow paint!   IMG_1560


Important Dates:

Monday, September 5th Labor Day No School

Thursday, September 29th Curriculum Night