The Cooper School Daily

Attract or Repel?


photo-nov-30-1-33-57-pmWhat attracts? What repels? These are questions Fourth Graders have been exploring as we begin our new science unit about Magnetism and Electricity. This week, students have used magnets to discover what types of materials stick to the magnets, what materials a magnetic force can go through, and how much force or weight it takes to break the force of magnets. Students greatly enjoyed exploring the classroom to find as many objects as they could that were magnetic! Eyeglasses earrings, door hinges, and clip boards were just a few of the unexpected objects they found. Did you know the magnetic force is strong enough to go through your hand?! And your ear!?



Revolution Reading and Writing

Over the course of the next several weeks, 4th Graders will be immersed in the subject of the American Revolution across disciplines.  Students will be reading, writing, and participating in centers all intended to teach about the Revolutionary War.  Students have been enjoying reading all about the revolution and gathering information about why it began and who was involved. This week students began to write information texts about a chosen topic having to do with the war.  During this writing unit, students will learn the art of doing research and how to teach through their writing. 


How do math and spelling connect? This week, students put their math knowledge to work figuring out the meaning of the word “December”. After learning about decimeters, decathlons, decagons, and decimals students were able to apply their knowledge of the root “dece” to a different word. Students quickly made the connection that December must mean the tenth…something. Research helped us learn that December used to be the tenth month of the year during Roman times when the calendar year began in March. Using this knowledge, students quickly made the connection that “sept” means seven (even in French!) so September must have been the seventh month. And “oct” means eight, so October was the eighth month. So does “nove” mean nine?! Indeed it does!

Important Dates:

  • Thursday, December 8 – Polar Express Movie Night
  • Friday, December 16 – Pajama Day, 11:30 Dismissal
  • December 17 – January 3 – Winter Break, No School