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1..2..3.. Action


We are so lucky to have Charleston Stage join us for two weeks. This week during drama class we got familiar with our acting tools. Second graders loved using their imagination, actor voice, and body language to express themselves! Students enjoyed playing the game ‘Character Walk’, which focused on acting like specific characters using our body language. We challenged ourselves to step into new characters we’ve never tried before! Second graders used their best actor focus for Charleston Stage!

Counting Water Drops

How many drops of water do you think could fit onto a penny? Second Graders are learning all about surface tension in science with hands-on experiments. After reading about surface tension students made a hypothesis that a penny could hold up to 10 drops of water. Each student was then handed a penny, droplet, and water beaker and asked to test their hypothesis! Second graders were AMAZED to find out that a penny could hold up to 50 drops of water! We learned that water has a very high surface tension due to the strong attraction between water molecules, which are held together by hydrogen bonds. Ask you kiddo how many drops of water they could fit onto their penny.


Second graders are thrilled to have begun using computers! Students are enjoying the feeling of responsibility of their school computer, as this is a privilege that students look forward to in second grade. Students will be using computers to practice their keyboarding and during Rocket Math. Second graders look forward to exploring these things for our morning activity, math cool downs, and fun centers. 

Important Dates

  • September 13th – Parent Coffee (8:15-9:00)
  • September 24th – Middle School Parent Information Session (8:30-9:30)
  • October 14th-15th – Fall Break (School Closed)
  • October 31st – Halloween Carnival (11:30 Dismissal)
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Alex Peterson