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100 Days Smarter!

100th Day of School
This week, Kindergarteners celebrated reaching their 100th day of school! To celebrate this momentous occasion, students spent the day dressed as 100-year-olds. We started our day with an epic parade through the backyard, surrounded by cheers and support from the rest of the TCS community. Students spent the day showing off their collections of 100 things, writing numbers 1-100, finishing 100 exercises and making a list of 100 words!

As we continue our biome study, students dove head first this week into the Wetlands. Students learned all about the flora and fauna in the wetlands, including the importance of Cattails in marshy areas. We can’t wait to discover more on our field trip to the aquarium next week!

Move-Up Day
Kindergarteners concluded their week with another tradition at The Cooper School, Move-up Day! Kindergarteners spent the morning as First Graders, getting to spend time with Ms. Liz, Mr. Aquavius, and their class hamster, Banana. Kindergarteners received letters from First Grade friends about what to expect next year and got a little taste of what comes next for them. We are so proud of our almost First Graders! But we’re not ready to let them go yet!

Important Dates:
February 3rd – South Carolina Aquarium Field Trip
February 17th-18th – February Break (No School)
March 3rd-4th – Student Led Conferences

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Ryan Pixler