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Next week will be spook-tacular! 

The entire middle school has been working hard preparing for the Halloween Carnival next Thursday. We are so proud of the effort they have put into their individual roles. I am sure you are looking forward to next week as much as they are! Any good costume ideas for parents?!? 

We also as a staff really enjoyed the talent show the spirit club put on for the middle school this Thursday. There were so many students who were brave enough to show us their talents and they all did a wonderful job! Hopefully they bring that same positive energy and enthusiasm to the carnival next week!



This week, we applied our recently learned skills to real-life scenarios and then learned how to differentiate between multiplication and division problems. Next week is a short week due to the Halloween Carnival and the Teacher Work Day, so we’ll spend Monday and Wednesday completing our Unit 3 Test and corrections!


This week in ELA, 5th graders learned about new forms of figurative language like idioms, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, alliteration, and allusion. They also began their figurative language chart projects (due 11/6). We discussed how these pieces of language influenced the story. 5th graders also tested their knowledge of types of sentences in grammar. Be sure to ask your student about their grade! 

Next week, readers will keep working on charts and moving towards the climax of the novel. We will also start unit 2 of vocabulary with a vocabulary test on November 6th.

Social Studies:

The fifth grade class enjoyed this Friday tasting and trying different foods from across the country. They have been working hard on learning the fifty states and their locations. I am very happy with how hard they worked on their state projects! Next week we will start learning about state capitals as well as learning about the geography of the country and why it is important to us in our daily lives.


Fifth graders started their National Parks models this week. They learned how to make salt dough to make their mountains, canyons, and other landforms. They also considered how to scale their trails, campgrounds, visitor center, and other man-made attractions. Next week, they will start painting and adding details to their parks. 

A note from our Development Coordinator: 

Annual Fund Campaign Update- 

We are currently at 29% family participation for 5th grade in our annual fund campaign, and if you haven’t had a chance to give yet, there’s still time to contribute and make an impact!

Also, thank you to those of you who have given your donation directly to me or who have Venmoed the school! If you haven’t had the chance to yet, there is still time!

Important Dates:

October 28: LeAnn Gardner Parent Presentation (5:30)

October 31: Halloween Carnival (11:30 Dismissal)

November 1: Teacher Work Day (No Students)

November 11&12: Parent Teacher Conferences

November 22: Harvest Feast

November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break

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Kevin Hayes