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Next week will be spook-tacular! 

The entire middle school has been working hard preparing for the Halloween Carnival next Thursday. We are so proud of the effort they have put into their individual roles. I am sure you are looking forward to next week as much as they are! Any good costume ideas for parents?!? 

We also as a staff really enjoyed the talent show the spirit club put on for the middle school this Thursday. There were so many students who were brave enough to show us their talents and they all did a wonderful job! Hopefully they bring that same positive energy and enthusiasm to the carnival next week!



This week, we expanded our knowledge of fractions and decimals into grouping diagrams to create division problems with fractions and decimals. Next week is a short week due to the Halloween Carnival and the Teacher Work Day, so we’ll spend a bit of time analyzing ratios and fractions, and extending our understanding of fraction multiplication to areas of rectangles with fractional side lengths.


This week, 6th grade continued their reading of When You Reach Me, discussing how character traits clash and how power dynamics shift between characters. Students took their unit 2 grammar test on 10/24. Be sure to ask about their grades!

Next week, 6th grade readers will discuss how characters relate to social and cultural groups and how that shapes their stories.. We will begin unit 2 of vocabulary with a test on 11/7. 

Social Studies:

Sixth grade worked very hard and took their test Friday on ancient Egypt. They have truly enjoyed this unit and I think they did a wonderful job, especially on their group projects about the gods of Egypt. We will be starting our next unit of study which is ancient China. This is a fascinating time and people and I think they will enjoy learning about this culture. We will also have some small projects and group work that will allow them to fully immerse themselves in this unit.


The sixth graders are excited about presenting their Climate Change Ted Talks in the library on Tuesday 10/29. They have been finishing up their research, practicing hard, and making adjustments to their work. They will finish up their Weather and Climate study by engineering and constructing container homes that are well-insulated. Their next unit will be about Thermal Energy.

A note from our Development Coordinator: 

We are currently at 18% family participation for 6th grade in our annual fund campaign, and if you haven’t had a chance to give yet, there’s still time to contribute and make an impact!

Also, thank you to those of you who have given your donation directly to me or who have Venmoed the school! If you haven’t had the chance to yet, there is still time!


Renee Bratton

Important Dates:

October 28: LeAnn Gardner Parent Presentation (5:30)

October 31: Halloween Carnival (11:30 Dismissal)

November 1: Teacher Work Day (No Students)

November 11&12: Parent Teacher Conferences

November 22: Harvest Feast

November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break