With only one week of school left before we go on break, I am sure everyone is counting down the days until they can relax and enjoy time with their friends and family. Everyone looks forward to this time to be able to enjoy the holiday season and look back and reflect on the year. I look forward to next year, turning the page to 2025 and being able to continue on with a great school year. During this time, I hope everyone is safe in their travels and truly enjoys these two weeks. With only one week of school left, the countdown has definitely begun in middle school and we all look forward to a wonderful end to 2024 and a festive school week to end the year!
This week, we reviewed unit 4 material (expressions, equations, and inequalities), and then took our assessment on Tuesday. Next week, we’ll begin briefly diving into unit 5 before break by explaining what a proportional relationship is, and comparing relationships between two variables.
7th grade readers worked hard to either report on or emulate their chosen authors this week. We shared our various author study projects and reflected on the power of author’s craft in storytelling. 7th grade was also tested on vocabulary today, so be sure to inquire about their grades!
Next week, writers will start a fictional writing unit where they will create their own original characters and worlds. Students will start a grammar unit, though we will not test until well after break on 1/15.
Social Studies:
Seventh grade worked hard and finished European colonization. With one week left, I am going to use this time to review the connections between the colonies and the present day United States. Also on our last day together of the year I have planned a fun holiday themed activity for them to participate in before we break for the holidays.
Seventh graders had a great field trip to Folly Beach and Stono River County Park. At Folly, we saw sea stars, moon snails, sea sponges and more. While visiting the marsh at the county park, we dove right in to collect pluff mud, periwinkle snails, brackish water, and spartina grass. The seventh graders brought back their experiences and specimens to analyze the interdependent relationships between the biotic and abiotic factors in their ecosystem. They will continue to learn more about their specific environment and then present their findings to the class next Thursday.
Important Dates:
Monday, December 16 – Science Field Trip
December 20 – Holiday Extravaganza & PJ Day (½ Day – 11:30 Dismissal)
December 21-January 6 – Winter Break (return on Tuesday, January 7)