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8th Newsletter

New Year, New…?


Happy New Year to all! I hope everyone enjoyed their break and are ready to finish the school year strong! Here in middle school, we have already started talking about what a new year brings and what it could mean to them individually. I know that when I was younger, the idea of a resolution and bringing about great change always seemed overwhelming. Now, it is a time of reflection and finding small ways to improve that make a big difference. The middle school has done a fantastic job with choosing their “one word” for 2025, and I am impressed with how thoughtful they were about choosing them and how they hope to accomplish the word they chose throughout the year. I hope that, no matter what, you and your family are using this time to find happiness and make positive changes in your lives. May 2025 be an opportunity to look back a year from now and celebrate all that you’ve achieved!





This week in Algebra 1, 8th graders dove head first into exploring exponential functions and how we can apply them to real life scenarios like interest, growth, and decay. Next week, we’ll calculate rates of change from exponential functions, and apply our knowledge of these types of functions to real life situations. 



8th grade returned from break with high concentration on developing a rock-solid thesis about To Kill a Mockingbird and carefully outlining their essays. We gathered an abundance of evidence from our text and began flash-drafting our first drafts.


After break, essayists will develop their first drafts based on their thesis work from this week. We will continue grammar study with a test planned for 1/16. 


Social Studies:

The eighth graders have now begun their work on their next unit, which is about the Industrial Revolution and imperialism found throughout the world. We are starting this week and next with industrialisation and how this altered human history. We will discuss important inventions as well as how it played a role in the rise of militarism across Europe.



Eighth graders continued to learn about waves this week. They considered how frequency, amplitude, and wavelength are related to the amount of energy in a wave, by experimenting with slinkys. The eighth graders also learned about sound waves this week and how they are processed in our brains. Next week, they will continue to learn about waves and then we will begin brainstorming for the Science Fair.


Important Dates:


January 20- MLK Day, no school

January 29- 100th day of school