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A Short Week in Second Grade

We hope everyone had a fabulous Fall Break! We are so happy to have our second grade friends back in the classroom. It filled our bucket to watch students excitedly greet each other and share their fall break adventures!

Units of Measurement

Before second grade students begin to use a ruler, we wanted students to understand how to measure and units of measurement. This week second graders used different tools to measure objects in the classroom. Students used pipe cleaners to measure the length of animals and cubes to measure the length of yarn. We learned that each cube equals 1 cm, so if an animal measured 10 cubes that was equal to 10 cm. We learned that when measuring it is always important to start at the zero or the beginning of the object, have no gaps in our units of measure, and to count your measurment correctly.

Inuit Study

As part of our presentation, second graders are learning all about the Inuit. Inuit people are indigenous to the Arctic and are culturally distinct from other groups. We are focusing on Inuit clothing, shelter, transportation, and food. Students have really enjoyed this study as they are comparing an Inuit’s life back then versus now and getting hands on with mini projects such as making igloos, canoes, and snow goggles. We have also learned about Inuit culture and practiced writing our names in the Inuit language. Second graders are very excited to share their creative work with you during our polar presentation!

Important Dates:

  • October 22nd – Picture Day
  • October 28th – Polar Biome Presentation 2:00pm in the Library
  • October 28th – LeAnn Gardner Parent Presentation (5:30 pm)
  • October 31st – Halloween Carnival (11:30 am Dismissal)