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A Trip to the Theater!

Frog & Toad On Stage
This week, Kindergarteners were so excited to hop on The Cooper School bus and head down to the Dock Street Theater to see “A Year With Frog & Toad”. Students were beside themselves just entering the building. We had so much fun pointing out all of the stories we knew, waving at the actors we have met, and cheering for all of the talent onstage. Our favorite review came from one of our Kindergarteners as we got up to leave: “This was the BEST show I’ve ever seen in my whole life!!!”.

Shapes In Our World
Students were so excited to jump head first into our shapes unit! Kindergarteners could not wait to tell us all that they knew about shapes, from the number of corners to the number of sides. Students spent time this week discriminating between shapes and looking for recognizable shapes in our world. Students identified triangles in pizza slices, circles in cookies, and rectangles in windows. Kindergarten mathematicians made us so proud! 

“Whiney Letter A”
This week, Kindergarteners learned about the nasalized version of short /a/. They learned that when letter M or N follows letter A, the /a/ becomes nasalized and makes a slightly different sound than the typical short /a/ sound. For example, compare the short /a/ sound in the words “can” versus the sound in the word “cat”. Students spent the week reading, writing, building and sorting words with -an and -am. Ask your Kindergartener to tell you about “Whiney A’!

Important Dates:
October 28th: LeAnn Gardner Parent Presentation (5:30 pm)
October 30th: Pumpkin Presentation (2:00 pm)
October 31st – Halloween Carnival (11:30 am Dismissal)
November 1st – Teacher Work Day (No School)

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Ryan Pixler