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A Week Full of Field Trips!

Field trips

Second graders had an exciting week full of field trips. We enjoyed exploring Caw Caw’s interpretive center and Charlestowne Landing! Many of us had not been to these places, so it was exciting to experience a new place with our classmates. On our field trip to Caw Caw second graders learned all about Native Americans. We learned how they hunted, what plants they ate, how they used nature’s resources to help them, and how they watched animals to help them learn the environment and the best way to survive. During our tour at Charlestowne Landing we learned all about the settlers that arrived there, how they traveled, and their way of living. 

Computer science 

This week is computer science education and development week! During this week the middle school students paired up with our second graders and taught them all about computer science. Students worked on their computer skills via Hour of Code activities. Hour of Code activities is a range of interactive, beginner-friendly coding exercises that is designed to introduce students to basic computer science concepts. Hour of Code’s goal is to make coding clearer and easier to spark interest in the field with fun activities.

Festive Centers 

Second graders are getting into the holiday spirit this week during centers! We enjoyed water coloring snowflakes, creating snowflakes with beads and reading books about Hanukkah. Students used markers to draw on coffee filters  then dropped water droplets on them. As the water and marker mixed it created beautiful art. After the coffee filter dried students cut them out to make a fun snowflake shape. Our snowflakes are hung in our classroom to bring us holiday spirit! Students used pipe cleaners and beads to also make snowflakes. Many students took their beaded snowflakes home to hang in their classroom. Finally students read lots of hanukkah books to help introduce them to the different traditions of Hanukkah. We love spreading cheer throughout our classroom!

Important Dates:

  • December 19th – Choir performance at the Scottish Right Center 1:45 – 2:30 pm
  • December 20th – Holiday Extravaganza & pajama day 11:30 dismissal
  • December 21st – January 6th – Winter Break
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Alex Peterson