First Grade Insect Study
First graders have been growing their science brains this week as they selected their insects and began their research. We have loved identifying, reading, and writing nonfiction text features as we become experts on our insects. We can’t wait to share all of their discoveries with you!
Let the Centers Begin!
Centers are a fun time for First Graders to practice their skills with hands-on activities and manipulatives, while also working together and being problem solvers. They were so excited to get started with our first week of centers! This week we observed and drew insects from our insect museum, played with our math manipulatives, and read insects books.

Cooper Clusters
This week students enjoyed a pizza lunch with their Cooper Cluster! We had so much fun playing new games and making new friendships across grade levels. First grade is excitedly waiting for our next Cooper Cluster!
Important Dates:
- October 14th-15th – Fall Break (No School)
- October 22nd – TCS Picture Day
- October 23rd – 1st Grade Field Trip to Dock Street (Frog & Toad)
- October 28th – LeAnn Gardner Presentation (5:30 pm)
- October 30th – Insect Study Presentation
- October 31st – Halloween Carnival (11:30 am Dismissal)
- November 1st – Teacher Work Day (No School)