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An Exciting Week in Second Grade!

Award Winning Writing 

Second grade writers finished their Opinion Writing Unit this week. Students learned how to share their opinion and convince readers in their writing. Students focused on grabbing the reader’s attention, stating their opinion, finding reasons and evidence to support their opinion, and ending their writing by restating their opinion! This week students enjoyed writing opinions on book awards. As a class we came up with a list of awards we believe books should win and then picked our four top awards. Students then choose a book they believe should win those awards. Students wrote convincing opinion pages and then shared them with each other. As a class we voted on the best book to win each award based on students’ writing. 

Jobs in Cooper Village

This week second graders learned the importance of jobs in a community. Second graders determined what jobs are needed to help run their Cooper Village. Students enjoyed having guest speakers come in to learn more about specific jobs and why they are important. After researching each job second graders applied for their own job. Students had to write a convincing argument to their teachers on why they wanted that job and why that job was important. Class jobs were announced the next day and Cooper Village is officially underway!

All About Our Community 

Second graders have begun their new reading unit this week. This unit focused on reading nonfiction books focusing on our community. Students showed their understanding of the books by working together in groups to answer questions about the book in their own words. Our goal is for students to learn more about our community and learn how the rules and family dynamics are unique to each student. 


Important Reminders:

January 21st – No School

January 31st – 2, 4, & 8th Artist of the Month 

January 29th – Dock Street Theater

January 30th – Firehouse Field Trip


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Alex Peterson