Cooper Village
Second Graders are officially in the building process of Cooper VIllage! Students have worked hard to map out the layout of their town. Students had a set area where they had to decide how big they wanted their business to be while also fitting in their home, a road to reach all the buildings, and room for a park. This process took lots of patience and conversations within their group. Once each group created their map layout, students began designing their businesses. The creativity in the class was amazing! We are so proud of students for communicating respectfully with each other and working through problems together! Students have begun painting each business and the assembling has begun!
All Shapes and Sizes
We are excited to have started a new math unit. This unit focuses on shapes, money and time! This week second graders learned all about shapes. Students learned what a triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon and hexagon are. Students enjoyed creating their own shapes and practiced how to measure the sides of shapes to help them determine the type of shape it could be. We are very excited about this unit!

We are Independent
The Cooper School as a whole is turning their focus towards Independence for their social emotional learning unit! In the elementary school morning meeting we discussed what indepence looks like at home and at school. As a class we discussed with friends how we can be more independent in our classroom. Being the boss of you, reading directions independently, and being a problem solver are some ideas our second graders chose for how they can be more independent.
Important dates:
Feb 12th – Cooper Cluster Pizza Lunch
Feb 14th – Valentines Day Bake Sale & Bingo 1:30-2:30pm
Feb 17-18 – February Break
Feb 25th – Cooper Village at 2:00pm