What an Adventure!
First grade had the best day ever visiting Dill Sanctuary! We had a busy and amazing fun filled day! We started our day with a nature walk out to the marsh where we explored the land and collected Periwinkle Snails and Fiddler Crabs! Those crabs were hard to catch, but when we held the snails in our hands while humming, the vibrations made them come out of their shells to say hello. After our walk we painted with pluff mud. We loved playing with pluff mud in a creative way! We then took a break in the screened in porch to grow our brains about all things insects and arachnids. We got to view these bugs in glass displays, look at them through magnifying glasses, stencil bugs with crayons, and pretend to be bugs using bug glasses! We finished our day making nature sculptures after being inspired by Andie Goldsworthy- an artist who produced sculptures using only the nature that is around him. First grade created amazing sculptures and learned so many amazing things!
Shadow Stories
First graders had fun combining creative writing and science by using shadow puppets to write and act out their very own realistic fiction story. Students had a blast performing and watching each groups’ stories and identifying realistic fiction features. We enjoyed stories about ice cream shops, lost dogs, butterflies, and snow storms. Ask your first grader to share their realistic fiction story with you.
Taking First Steps
We have officially begun our author study and our first graders were so excited to find out their author this week!. Students have spent the week gathering and reading books written by their author. Students have also enjoyed reading their author’s bios that you can find inside some of their author’s books. This is just the start of our author study and we cannot wait to learn more!
Important Dates:
May 9th – Pass It On (Elementary School Writing Event) (11:30 Dismissal)
May 24th – Teacher Work Day (No School)
May 27th – Memorial Day (No School)
May 30th – Half Day (11:30 Dismissal)
May 31st – Last Day of School (11:30 Dismissal)