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A week of Fun in 1st Grade !!!

What Does the Data Tell Us?

First grade loves math! First grade spent this week working with data. Students conducted a survey about favorite candy and then asked and answered questions about the data they collected. In our table groups, we worked together to create our own visual representations of our survey results and then compared our representations with the rest of the class. 

Insect Study Begins!

Our first grade entomologists jumped right into our insect study this week! We learned the features that define an insect and where different insects may be found.  We had a blast working with partners to locate, observe and record as many insects as we could on the playground. We challenge you to do the same in your backyard as we continue to learn more about the different kinds of insects around us! 

Fun in Choir!

This year first graders have been loving choir! Mr. Andy has been teaching the students fun songs to sing together as a class! Students begin each class by warming up their voices in different vocal ranges. They get very excited to jump right into singing! They always come out of the choir humming their favorite song. 

Important Dates:

  • September 7th – Charleston Battery Family Fun Night
  • September 13th- Parent Coffee (8:15-9:00)
  • September 24th- Middle School Info Session for Elementary Parents (8:30)