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Buzzing with Excitement!

First grade has been buzzing with excitement this week! We have been busy making so many backyard and playground insect discoveries, practicing our acting skills with Charleston Stage, and making new friends with our “Cooper Clusters”!

First Grade Entomologists

First graders have been working very hard to grow their science brains while learning and discovering what identifies an insect and what insects are all around us. We can label all the parts of an insect and define many of their distinct features.  First graders drew and painted their own beautiful bugs to put on display in our classroom.  Next week we will dive into our mealworm investigation!

Adding, Subtracting, and Measuring

First graders combined science and math skills this week as we measured different insects using Unifix cubes. Students also practiced drawing and organizing neat math pictures and applying different strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems. 

Thank You Charleston Stage

We want to give a huge thank you to the amazing members of Charleston Stage for spending the week with us! First graders had a blast learning all the tools needed to become an actor. Ask your child their favorite thing they learned this week from Charleston Stage!

Important dates:

September 23rd – Charleston Battery Family Fun NightSeptember 26th – Picture Day
September 29th- Middle School Information Session (8:15-9:00)

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The Cooper School