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Changing Our Thought Patterns

It’s been a great week in our fourth grade classroom! 


Fourth grade is sailing their way through the human body unit. This week the class investigated nerves and the largest organ in the human body, skin. Students learned the vital role these systems play in their everyday lives.

Students participated in an activity blindly putting their hand in a bowl and having to guess what the five objects were. Many were able to correctly identify what was in the bowl just from feeling, with their nerves! 4th graders were also astonished when thinking about all the ways our skin protects us. Keeping all of our organs and blood in place, regulating temperature, as well regenerating cuts and scrapes. 


Fourth graders have been working hard to master fractions. They’ve come to understand that equivalent fractions represent the same part of a whole. This week they have been building on the strategies they’ve learned such as multiplying and dividing, to find equivalent fractions  and are building skills to quickly determine what the best strategy is for determining if fractions are greater, lesser, or equal to each other. 


Social-emotional learning this week focused on when we have anxious and negative thoughts. These thoughts are coined automatic negative thoughts (ANT’s), some can be small and be cast to the side and others can be difficult to move past, further negatively affecting us by believing them to be true. We discussed acknowledging automatic negative thoughts for what they are, and how we can replace them. Students shared some examples of things that can trigger having negative thoughts or beliefs about themselves or others, and examples of more positive thoughts they can replace them with. The goal of the class is working on rewiring our brains of acknowledging negative thought patterns for what they are, and replacing them. 

Important Dates 

Fall Break – October 14th-15th 

LeAnn Gardner Parent Presentation- October 28th (5:30 pm)

Halloween Carnival – October 31st (11:30 Dismissal) 

Teacher Workday – November 1 (No School) 

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Megan Evers