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Polar Biome Inuit Study

Second graders are excited to begin our Polar Biome/Inuit study! Students began this week reviewing our continents and oceans. With the help of our new favorite continent song, students can label the continents on a map and organize the continents from largest to smallest.  Second graders can also label all the oceans and identify the Artic and Antartic circle!

Reading Non-Fiction

Students have begun their reading and writing unit on all things non-fiction. Non-fiction is writing that is based on real truth. Non-fiction books are also known as informational texts and are designed to help students learn about real things. Our amazing readers each read different non-fiction books and focused on what they noticed, what they wondered, and what they were learning. Ask your child what they have learned from non-fiction books they have read this week! 

We Love Centers

Students look forward to our center’s blocks each week! Centers include three stations that each student completes throughout the week. Centers are a time for students to work on what they have learned throughout the week in a more fun way! This week we focused our centers on social studies, vocabulary, and mathematics. For our mathematics center, students enjoyed playing rocket math to practice their fast facts and a ‘match the color to the place value’ coloring page. Students also enjoyed exploring and learning about animals that live in the polar region by reading nonfiction books for our social studies center. Finally students had a friendly competition at our vocabulary center where they challenged each other to see who could write the most vocabulary words in their own fiction story. Second grade students are excited and looking forward to what centers we will have next week!

Important Dates:

  • October 14th-15th – Fall Break (School Closed)
  • October 28th- LeAnn Gardner Parent Presentation
  • October 31st – Halloween Carnival (11:30 Dismissal)