“There is something so
Special in the early leaves
Drifting from the trees – as if
We are all to be allowed a
Chance to peel,
To refresh, to start again.”
Ruth Ahmed
Perhaps the beginning of the school year was rough. It is a tough transition to make from the freedom of the summer time to the chaos of starting a new grade. With that being said, chaos should not remain the theme of the school year. Use fall as a time to reflect and make changes on the parts that have been rough in order to start fresh. This will change the attitude of the school year and allow for you to regain control and balance.
Here’s a look at what is happening in each of the classes:
What’s happening in Science?
Seventh graders considered how a specific channel was created on Mars this week. They compared evidence that supported the channels were either created by lava or water. They looked at different types of rocks that the channel bed contained and then considered what type of rock could be made geographically by water and lava. They also started scientific arguments that support their claim. The seventh graders will continue to work on their Ted Talks and will be ready to present their work in the next few weeks.
What’s up in Math?
This week, students explored the slope of a line on a coordinate plane, what the slope means, and how to write an equation for a line. Next week, they will review for their test which they will take on Tuesday, before diving into the foundations of linear equations through tape diagrams.
What’s happening in ELA?
Seventh graders returned from break to make finishing touches to their realistic fiction stories. Writers worked hard to develop realistic dialogue and relatable characters with clear goals and struggles. Writers published, shared, and displayed their pieces, reflecting on where they grew as storytellers in this unit.
Next week, 7th graders will transition to an argumentative writing unit and further studies in grammar. I look forward to sharpening our debate and research skills to form clear positions on relevant student issues. Be on the lookout for a transition in their nightly reading folders from comprehension to fluency work!
What’s going on in Social Studies?
This week seventh graders dove deeper into the American Revolution. Students read about the Battles of Lexington and Concord and took a look at Thomas Paine’s Common Sense. Students then took the entire day to analyze the Declaration of Independence.
Next week, the students will start off with a debate! Students will debate on who was more prepared for a war, the Continental Army or the British Army. This will lead into finishing off the content of the war and creating a timeline of the battles and events that played a major role in the revolution. This will lead into their assessment that will challenge them to take their content and create a parody of a song of their choice to show off their knowledge.
Important Dates:
October 18- Parent Lemonade (2:00-2:45)
October 31 – Halloween Carnival (½ Day)
November 1 – Teacher Work Day (No School)