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Fantastic Fourth Grade


4th grade writers have been hard at work focusing on their second trimester project over the American Revolution. They’ve been taking notes and practicing long writing sessions to prepare for their two research essays: one on the entire American Revolution and one on their specific subtopic. Once these have been finished and edited, students will move on to writing their historical fiction children’s book!


Our electricians are still learning about simple circuits to try to better understand why the fictional city of Ergstown has been experiencing so many blackouts lately. They’ve learned about different types of energy and that it takes more than one source of energy to power multiple things. They’ve been using an online simulation to help them conceptualize how different forms of energy provide power and movement. 


Students had their last choir practice this week before their choir performance on December 14th. They have been working hard to perfect beautiful Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa songs to showcase to parents. We couldn’t be more proud and excited to see all of their hard work come to fruition soon!

Important Dates:

December 14 – Winter Choir Concert (1:45pm)

December 15 – 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grade Movie Night (5pm-8pm)

December 19 – Holiday Extravaganza 10:30-11:30 (½ Day)

December 20-January 3 – Winter Break

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