First Full Week of Second Grade!

Second graders have begun their study of phonics. We are beginning to learn all about our tools and materials that they will be using to enhance their spelling skills. Diving into phonics will strengthen students’ spelling skills that will help them across all units of study. Using magnetic letters students are verbally given words to spell and have to locate and arrange the letters. As well as using their markers and white boards students are practicing writing and spelling words out. Along with learning words, students also get to play fun games that are both educational and exciting for the students!

Adding to 20!
This week students are reviewing how to add and subtract within 20. To practice these skills second graders are learning different games and strategies to help with their math facts. In the game “How Close to 20” students use number cards and have to pick two numbers that they can add together to get the closest to 20. The partner that gets the closest to 20 wins. This game is fun for students as well as helps them become more confident in their math skills.

Water and Gravity!
This week second graders have been experimenting with water and different types of surfaces. Students experimented with paper, wax paper, tin foil, and paper towels. Second graders were most excited about wax paper and were surprised by the reaction. Ask them what they observed! After that we added an element of slope. Students were asked to put water on a slope and observe. Students were surprised to see that more water fell faster down the slope. Concluding that more water means a stronger pull of gravity! We are so excited to explore more in our water science unit.

Important Dates:August 30th – Elementary Curriculum Night (5:30pm – 6:00pm)
September 4th – Labor Day (No School)
September 15th – Parent Coffee (8:15am – 9:00am)
September 23rd – Charleston Battery Family Fun Night