This week, Fourth Graders had the opportunity to join Miss Henslee for a tour of our library and the selection of books for this school year. Fourth Graders helped Ms. Henslee create guidelines and suggestions for how one should behave in the library and care for books. Starting next week, students will be able to check out a book on Mondays and they will need to return their library book in order to get a new one!
Mathematicians started Unit 1 on factors and multiples. Through this unit, Fourth Graders will review prime and composite numbers, learn to find the area of rectangles, and identify pairs of factors for multiples. Our students enjoyed working with their Math partners and using graph paper to create their own rectangles by knowing only the areas.
Last Friday, 4th Grade had their first special with Ms. Henslee in art. This week, they got to experience music with Mr. Noodle, Spanish with Ms. D’Anna, computer science with Mr. Bob, yoga with Ms. Stacy, P.E. with Mr. Temani, and choir with Mr. Andy! We can’t wait for them to make so many fun memories with their class during these fun classes.
Important Dates:
August 30 – Curriculum Night @ 5:30pm
September 4 – Labor Day (no school)