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Fun In First Grade !!!


First graders continued working on our letters to our Cooper School Staff. On Monday, scholars took a tour of the entire school to see our staff in action doing their different jobs. Scholars asked administration, teachers, and special teachers all about their jobs. First graders were ecstatic to hear some of our staff’s favorite and hardest parts about their jobs. We can’t wait to finish our letters and ask more questions!  


Reading Buddies

This week First graders had the pleasure of having a middle school mystery reader. Scholars were ecstatic to have a fifth grader come and read one of their favorite books to them. First graders can’t wait to see who our next middle school mystery reader will be!   


Students had their last choir practice this week before their choir performance on December 19th. They have been working hard to perfect beautiful Christmas, Hanukkah, and other holiday songs to showcase to parents. We couldn’t be more proud and excited to see all of their hard work come to fruition soon!  


Important Dates:   

  • December 19th  –  Winter Choir Concert (1:45 at the Scottish Rite) 
  • December 20th – Holiday Extravaganza (10:30)
  • December 23rd – January 6th – Winter Break  
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Aquavius Franklin