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Goodbye January

We are so happy to be back at school and spending time with each other! We had a very busy week with lots of guest experts visiting our class, enjoying a field trip to Charleston Stage, celebrating the 100th day of school, and presenting our art at our art show!

Police Department 

We LOVED having the police department visit our classroom. Officer Marotta, Moy and Capell joined us and walked us through a day in the life of a police officer. They shared their equipment with us and even let us try some on. We were blown away by how heavy the shield and helmet were. Students enjoyed asking the officers questions and spending time with them. We thank Officer Marotta, Moy, and Capell for taking time out of their day to speak with us.

Approaching February

As we get ready for February we are excited for Valentine’s Day! To celebrate Valentine’s Day it is a Cooper School tradition for students to write compliment books. We enjoy taking time to think of all the reasons our classmates make us smile and feel supported. Students thought of specific compliments and wrote them in letter format for each of their classmates. We can’t wait to share them with each other in a couple weeks!

Fire Department 

Second grade had a very fun and busy week! Thursday morning students were surprised by Fire Station 12! Firefighters arrived at the Cooper School with their firetruck and all. Firefighter Zack and Matt shared why they love being a firefighter and what a day in their life looks like. Students enjoyed seeing firefighter Matt get dressed in all his gear and show us the importance of each item. Second Graders also enjoyed walking through the firetruck and learning all the tools a fire truck carries. We really enjoyed having Fire Station 12 visit and appreciate them taking time out of their day to be with us.

Important Dates:

Feb 14th – Valentines Day Bake Sale & Bingo 1:30-2:30

Feb 17-18 – February Break

Feb 25th – Cooper Village 2:00 pm


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Alex Peterson