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Grateful For Our Community!

It’s been another great week here at TCS in fourth grade! We are extremely grateful for our wonderful parents and students that make up our class!  


Students are embarking into their next unit, the world of decimals! After solidifying their knowledge of fractions, students are building upon their understanding of parts of a whole. This week’s lesson has focused on understanding the ones, tenths, and hundredths place, as well as finding equivalent fractions to these decimals. 

Social Studies 

As the holiday season approaches, fourth graders have been learning about the origin of Thanksgiving and the true meaning of the holiday. Students have been researching who the pilgrims were, the journey they embarked on to make it to Plymouth, and the hardships they faced that inspired the gratitude we celebrate during the break. Students have been learning about some of the unheard voices that impacted the Pilgrims survival, as well as a plethora of vocabulary words they may have not encountered before. This unit not only broadens their understanding of literature, but also a deeper understanding and sense of gratitude of the world around them and how it came to be. 


In combination with the work they’re doing in Social Studies, students embarked on their gratitude journal writing this week! With their deeper understanding of gratitude and where the holiday comes from, students were asked to think about what they’re thankful for in their own lives. The class brainstormed not only the big things, but also the simple pleasures in life that bring them joy. Not only were students able to pinpoint the beauty in their own lives, but how having a sense of gratitude improves levels of happiness and fulfillment year round. 

TCS celebrated our annual Harvest Feast today, taking time to be mindful of how thankful we all are for our strong sense of community. Students were excited to share their gratitude books with parents, engage in activities and take time to reflect on what they are grateful for. Thank you to the families who were able to come participate in this wonderful tradition! 

Important Dates 

November 25th-29th – Thanksgiving Break

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