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Happy New Year!


Second Graders were excited to begin a new math unit – Numbers to 1,000! In our first section of the unit students learn the importance of place value. Students use ones, tens, and hundreds blocks to build numbers. Students learned that 100 equals 10 tens, which equals 100 ones. Second graders practiced writing three-digit numbers in different forms, including base ten numerals, number name, equation, and expanded form.

One Word

Happy New Year everyone! During the beginning of the new year it is a Cooper School tradition that students and teachers pick a “one word”. Students choose one word that will set the tone for the new year. One word is all about setting an intention for the new year and how we can use the word in our life inside and outside of school. We are proud of second graders for digging deep to find a word that best fits their goals.


Cooper Village

This week second grade began our Cooper Village project. Students began with brainstorming what we observe in our communities. We created a list to begin thinking about what will be included in our community. Next, we began talking about our wants and needs. Talking about things that we need compared to things that we want. Students had the task of choosing only 8 businesses to have in our village using their knowledge of wants vs. needs. We will be diving in and learning about all the important parts of our communities and how to be an important part of it. 

Important Dates:

January 21st – No School

January 31st – 2, 4, & 8th Artist of the Month 

January 29th – Dock Street Theater

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Alex Peterson