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Have a Great Thanksgiving!


This week second graders continued The Cooper School tradition with gratitude books. Every year around Thanksgiving kindergarten to fourth grade students take time to think about what they are grateful for and why. Second graders brainstormed together everything they are thankful for from their favorite ice cream store to get a sweet treat to their house being a safe place to sleep and shelter from bad weather. Students wrote out their thoughts and made a beautiful heartfelt gratitude book. Thank you kindergarten for painting our cover pages! We are excited for second graders to share their gratitude books with family and friends during our harvest feast!

The Structure of a Number Line

Second graders have begun a new math unit! This unit focuses on the structure of the number line. Students focused on the connections and differences between a ruler and a number line. We learned that it is important for a number line to display the number in sequence from left to right, have equal spacing between each number and that numbers always travel least to greatest on the numberline.  We also learned that a number line does not need to start at zero (unlike a ruler)! Second graders can locate numbers on a number line represented by a dashed line and compare numbers based on their location relative to zero and each other. 


We hope everyone had a great time at our Harvest Feast! Thank you to everyone who came out and brought a dish with them. We are very thankful for The Cooper School bringing us all together. We loved sharing holiday memories with you all and enjoyed each other’s company! We hope everyone has a beautiful Thanksgiving. 

Important Dates:

  • December 6th – K & 1st movie night
  • December 10th – field trip to Caw Caw
  • December 13th – field trip to Charles Towne Landing
  • December 19th – choir performance at the Scottish Right Center 1:45 – 2:30 pm
  • December 20th – Holiday Extravaganza & pajama day 11:30 dismissal
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