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Hello December

Divide and Conquer 

This week, we kicked off our new math unit, Relating Multiplication to Division. The class has been exploring division in many ways, by dividing everyday objects into equal groups and making groups of equal sizes. We’ve also been interpreting drawings to understand division expressions and tackling word problems that build a deeper connection between multiplication and division concepts.


Book Clubs

Third graders are excited to begin book clubs! In small groups, students are reading the same titles, learning how to collaborate and engage in thoughtful discussions about their books. They are taking on the responsibility of keeping up with their group’s reading pace, coming prepared with ideas to share, and building on each other’s thoughts during discussions. 

I’ll Teach You, You Teach Me

In writing, we’ve started our new unit on information writing. Students are diving into topics they already know a lot about and learning how to organize their knowledge into clear and structured pieces. This week, we’ve focused on brainstorming subtopics, using structure to guide their ideas, and considering what their audience might want to know. It’s been exciting to see their enthusiasm as they begin to see themselves as experts and teachers through their writing!

Important Dates:

Wednesday, Dec. 11 – Cooper Cluster Day

Dec. 13 – Grades 2, 3, 4 Movie Night (5:00-8:00)

Dec. 19 – Choir Concert 1:45 at the Scottish Rite

Dec. 20 – Holiday Extravaganza (10:30-11:30) & PJ Day- 11:30 Dismissal


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Ali Sylvester