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Hello Fall!

Our First Field Trip!
As part of our study of the Needs of Plants and Animals, Kindergarteners were so excited to load up on The Cooper School buses and head to Cypress Gardens this week. Students got the opportunity to investigate their Butterfly House, Swamparium and Nature Trail to witness and talk about the animals’ habitats. Excitement was in the air and we had so much fun exploring wildlife.

Magical Math
Kindergarteners have been very busy counting and comparing groups this week! Looking at groups of objects, students have been identifying them to have more, less, or the same! Students have started identifying tips and tricks to allow them to count faster and more accurately, including five groups, touching or dotting each object as they count, and sorting them into lines! We are very proud of our brave mathematicians for their hard work!

Reading Buddies
Students spent time this week getting to know our middle school friends. Both 7th and 8th grade classes joined us this week to pair up and read with Kinderbuddies. We loved getting to watch students learn new names, make new friends, and show off all of their own reading skills. We are so grateful for our middle school peers for setting such a great example for their Kinderbuddies!

Important Dates:
October 14th-15th – Fall Break (No School)
October 28th: LeAnn Gardner Parent Presentation (5:30 pm)
October 31st – Halloween Carnival (11:30am Dismissal)
November 1st – Teacher Work Day (No School)

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Ryan Pixler