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New Beginnings!

Fourth graders returned from break refreshed and ready to tackle their learning objectives and goals! 



This week, fourth graders have been mastering rounding large six digit numbers. Students have been mastering identifying rounding rules, like when to round a number up or down. They have also been building on their understanding of rounding to the nearest hundred thousand places, and identifying the importance of place value. This is preparing students not only to build upon their understanding of numbers for higher level math, but also for real world application, like being able to quickly estimate totals. 


With the New Year being in full swing, TCS is setting goals and intentions school wide. Our students are kicking off the year with an exciting and meaningful activity: “One Word”. This activity asks students to reflect on a word that resonates with them, in hopes to inspire growth, change and positive action throughout the entire year. TCS uses this practice to choose a word that helps guide our thoughts, actions, and efforts at school, home and all areas of our lives. Fourth graders brainstormed their one word, and wrote passages about why they chose that word, and how they can take small steps to reach their goals everyday!



Picking up where they left off, students are reading historical nonfiction to gain insight from both the patriots’ and the loyalists’ perspectives during the American Revolution. The class is working on reading closely, and finding textual evidence to determine both sides’ reasoning and motives for fighting the war. This is foundational knowledge for the class, as we will be building upon this base understanding and introducing voices from the Revolution on both sides that often get overlooked. With these perspectives, students will also better understand how and why the country was founded.


Important Dates 

MLK Day – No School – 1/20/25 

2nd, 4th & 8th Grade Artist of the Month Coffee- 1/31/25 @ 8:15 am