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New Beginnings!

4th graders returned from break refreshed and ready to embark on a plethora of new units! 




This week, students are building upon their knowledge of fractions and parts of a whole to better understand decimals. Fourth graders are working diligently on understanding the tenths and hundredths place values, how to write decimals in standard and expanded form, and converting decimals to fractions. By comparing decimals, students gain a deeper understanding of real life applications like money, measurements, and time. 



The fourth grade class is embarking on a new science unit, energy conversion! In this unit, students are investigating how electrical systems work and how multiple parts of a system interact to result in a final function. Through hands-on experiments, the class is gaining a deeper knowledge of the systems used in our everyday lives. For example, students investigated how a solar powered fan system works. Students had the opportunity to construct their own functional solar powered fans, to best understand how all the fans’ individual components come together to serve its function.




After much anticipation, fourth graders are finally exploring the American Revolution! Students are reading a broad overview of the revolution, to gain an understanding of the events that took place. This general understanding serves as an effort to then hone in on a specific event and topic, and create a historical nonfiction reflection about a chosen topic, and how it relates to the revolution as a whole. This is an exciting unit as it not only gives students an overview at how the country was founded, but also Charleston’s history and historical context within the Revolution. The class has a plethora of exciting learning opportunities within this unit! 


Important Dates 

Cooper Clusters – 12/11 

Meeting Street Academy Field Trip – 12/17 

Holiday Choir Concert – 12/19 

Pajama Day/Holiday Extravaganza – 11:30 Dismissal – 12/20 

Winter Break – 12/23