We can’t believe this is only the first full week of school! Your third grader has eased right back into the swing of things! The excitement from learning new things, setting new goals and making new connections is palpable!

In math this week, students are working on reading and recording data from scaled graphs. Setting them up for multiplication!
Readers explored our library looking for their “just right book”. The Cooper School students know exactly how to find a book that is not too hard or too easy and how to set reading goals that will help them grow!

We can’t wait for you to see their ‘Hopes and Dreams’ on Wednesday, August 28th from 5:30-6:30 for Curriculum night! Third graders are off to a great start!

Important Dates:
Elementary Curriculum NIght – Wednesday, Aug. 28th (530-6:30)
Labor Day – NO SCHOOL – Monday, Sept. 2
Family Fun Night with Charleston Battery -Saturday, Sept. 7 (6:00 – 9:00)
Parent Coffee – Friday, Sept. 13th (8:15-9:00)