Roll and Read
This week in phonics students are learning a fun game to help them grow in their reading and understanding words. The game “Roll and Read” has students roll a dice and read the word corresponding to the number on the dice. If students get the word correct they shade in the box. The goal is to get one row, similar to bingo! This is an exciting game that students love to play while it helps their phonics skills at the same time!

Painting our Hopes and Dreams
Second graders have been working hard to come up with their hopes and dreams for second grade. After a lot of editing and revising to ensure their goals are clear, students begin decorating their hot air balloons. The hot air balloons (painted with beautiful watercolors) represent students having the ability to achieve great things in second grade! We are so excited to see them grow and achieve their hopes and dreams throughout the year!

Small Moment Story
Second graders have been hard at work writing their small moment stories. Students are learning how to take a very small moment and write a detailed story. Students began by sketching out what they wanted to write their story about. After that, they wrote small notes to plan out their story. Finally, after the planning stage was complete they began writing their small moment story. Students have been eager to write!

Important Dates:
September 4th- Labor Day (No School)
September 6th- Curriculum Night (5:30-6:30)
September 15th- Parent Coffee (8:15-9:00)
September 29th- Middle School Information Session (8:15-9:00)