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Presentation Prep!

Inuit Culture

Second graders spent last week learning all about the Inuits and their food, clothing, transportation, and shelter. This week we learned all about Inuit culture. Inuit people are indigenous to the Arctic and are culturally distinct from other groups. We learned that the Inuits valued family, music, and the spirit world. We also learned that they loved art! The Inuits would make carvings out of animal bones and build Inukshuks out of rocks. Second graders created their own Inushuks this week using paper rocks. We are excited to share with our Inushuks and teach you why the Inuit people built them. 

All About Books

We are so proud of the second graders for completing their All About books on their polar animal! They have been working so hard to research their polar animal, draft a nonfiction book, edit their book,  write their final draft, and finally add illustrations. Second graders worked as a class to define tricky words and helped each other make corrections. To help us celebrate our presentation, the second graders will read their All About books to Kindergarten.  


Blubber is a popular word when describing most polar animals. Second graders defined blubber as a thick layer of fat used to keep animals warm under water. This week second graders got to experiment with blubber to understand how it works and what it feels like. We used Crisco and ice water. Students experimented by holding one hand in Crisco surrounded by ice water and one hand in ice water with no Crisco. The hand with Crisco stayed much warmer! Our goal of our experiment was to understand the adaptation of animals that live in the polar biome with blubber. 

Important Dates:

  • October 28th – Polar Biome Presentation 2:00pm in the Library
  • October 28th – LeAnn Gardner Parent Presentation (5:30 pm)
  • October 31st – Halloween Carnival (11:30 am Dismissal)
  • November 1st- Teacher Work Day- No School 
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Alex Peterson