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Proud Pumpkins

Pumpkin Presentation
Our classroom was filled with excitement and pride as Kindergarten wrapped up their fun-filled pumpkin unit. Students invited family and friends to our backyard to check out our pumpkin predictions, pumpkin artwork, pumpkin fact books, as well as the decomposing pumpkin we have been observing. Students capped off the celebration by sharing their pumpkin facts and performing their very informative and exciting Pumpkin Play for a full audience. Kindergarteners were prepared, energetic, and brave. We are so proud of our little pumpkins!

Setting of a Story
This week, students learned all about ‘Setting’. Kindergarteners know that the setting of a story is the place or type of surroundings where something takes place. As a class, we read The Very Best Pumpkin by Mark Kimball Moulton. Students took special note of the location of its story and spent time illustrating all of the details in the text! We loved seeing Kindergarteners’ creativity and celebrating how far their art has come.

Halloween Carnival
Kindergarteners were so excited to celebrate the spooky holiday this week by wearing costumes and gathering in our backyard for a Halloween Carnival organized by the Middle School students! We were so excited to celebrate with our whole school, checking out their costumes, and playing games alongside them. Kindergarteners had so much fun as they bounced around from game to game, greeting all of their older friends in school. Our day wrapped up with some exciting costume awards as Kindergarteners celebrated all of our school’s winners.

Important Dates:
November 8th: Parent Coffee with Merle Henkel and Jason Patera
November 11th & 12th – Parent Conferences (11:30am Dismissal)
November 13th: Cooper Clusters Lunch
November 22nd – Harvest Feast
November 25th-29th – Thanksgiving Break
December 20th – Pajama Day/Holiday Extravaganza
December 23rd-January 6th – Winter Break