Pumpkin Patch
We wrapped up our week in the most exciting way: our very first field trip! Students loaded up on The Cooper School buses and headed to the Boone Hall Pumpkin Patch. This was a very exciting way to launch our next science unit, all about pumpkins! We were so excited to take a quick hayride (with the COOLEST fall and Halloween decorations), explore a corn maze, stop in a petting zoo, and even catch a silly clown show! We are excited for all of our pumpkin learning ahead!

Writing to Show & Tell!
This week, young writers were thrilled to build upon their knowledge of show and tell writing by turning our classroom into a book factory! Students spent time writing show and tell pattern books about the people, places, and things that matter to them! Writing energy was high as students wrote show and tell books that they wanted to share with their classmates.

Magical Math
Kindergarteners have been very busy counting and comparing groups this week! Looking at groups of objects, students have been identifying them to have more, less, or the same! Students have started identifying tips and tricks to allow them to count faster and more accurately, including five groups, touching or dotting each object as they count, and sorting them into lines! We are very proud of our brave mathematicians for their hard work!
Important Dates:
October 9th-10th – Fall Break (No School)
October 11th- Cooper Clusters (free dress day)
October 13th- Middle School Information Session (8:15-9:00)
October 18th- Parent Lemonade (2:00-2:45)
October 31st – Halloween Carnival (11:30am Dismissal)
November 1 – Teacher Work Day (No School)